Ségolène Pruvot is a Cultural Director of European Alternatives. Ségolène has developed extensive experience in designing and implementing transnational participative cultural programmes. She curated, managed and coordinated artistic projects in several European countries, including Transeuropa Festival. Ségolène currently manages, as partner, the Horizon2020 Artsformation project focused on how arts can help manage the digital transition in contemporary societies, the H2020 Co-creation project. She coordinates Room to Bloom, a project supporting the careers and production of young feminist postcolonial artists.Ségolène is a Doctor in Urban Sociology. In the course of her academic career and professional life, she specialised on the exploration of the intersection between arts, the city and social change. Her PhD Thesis, realised at the University of Milano Bicocca, is entitled ‘Can Participatory Arts Help Deliver (more) Socially Just Creative Cities?’. There she explored how the theoretical input of contemporary arts theory can help better understand the role of arts in the city. She trained as a political scientist and urban planner in France, the UK, and Germany. Ségolène is passionate about the city, equality, feminism, migrant and minority rights.
Ségolène Pruvot will talk at the Opening of the Transeuropa Festival “Decolonize! Decarbonize! Democratize!” on April 21.