Fátima Vieira is Vice-Rector for Culture of the University of Porto. She is an Associate Professor (with “Agregação”) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, where she has been teaching since 1986. She held a seat at the General Board of the University of Porto from 2012 to 2014 and has belonged to several scientific boards and committees since she received her PhD, in 1998, with a thesis on William Morris and the British Utopian Literary tradition. She was the Chair of the Utopian Studies Society / Europe from 2006 to 2016. She is the Coordinator of the University of Porto’s branch of CETAPS – Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies, where she is the leader of the research project “Mapping Dreams: British and North-American Utopianism.” She was the Coordinator of the research project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, “Utopia, Food and the Future: Utopian Thinking and the Construction of Inclusive Societies – a Contribution from the Humanities,” jointly promoted by ILC – The Institute for Comparative Literature Margarida Losa) and CETAPS.
Fátima Vieira will talk at the Opening of the Transeuropa Festival “Decolonize! Decarbonize! Democratize!” on April 21. Taking part in the interdisciplinary research project Alimentopia, she contributed to the realization of the exhibition Pears, hazelnuts and figs. The utopian vegetarians of 100 years ago.