Danilo Cardoso has a degree in History (UPE/Brazil), a Master in Education (USP/Brazil), and is a PhD candidate in Anthropology (ISCTE-NOVA/Portugal). He has been teaching since 2003 – both in formal and non-formal education. In Portugal, he was part of two academic researches: “Memories of Portuguese Academic Racism” and “Racism and Xenophobia: the normalization of hate speech in the public space of the internet”. He is the author of three collective projects awarded by the Lisbon City Council Human Rights Prize for Children and Young People (19/20/21): “Against Discrimination: A Journey Through the History of Our Rights” (Escola do Castelo – 4th grade, 2019), “Dictionary of Principles: a children’s guide to seeing and hearing the city” (Escola Básica Professor Oliveira Marques – 2nd grade, 2020) and “Equality Network: weaving emancipatory knowledge” (Escola Antonio Arroio – 11th grade, 2021). He is an art educator and author of “Notas de um (auto)exílio” (Coleção Burguês Assustado/Hecatombe-Urutau, 2021). He coordinates association Grupo EducAr where he collectively creates and executes educational projects and also signs some collective installations: “Ver-a-cidade pelas suas vozes” (2019), “Educação pela pedra” (2020), “DES|cobrir” (2022) and ‘Um convite a ser serpente” (2022). He is teaching his third multi-disciplinary and borderless class of “Anti-racist Education: historical awareness, human rights and proposals for action”.
During TRANSEUROPA, the collective installations “Seeing the city through their voices” (2019) and “Education through stone” (2020) curated by Grupo EducAr, will be shown at the Botanical Garden in Porto from April 21 – 25.