The exhibition “Pêros, Avelâs e Figos. Os vegetarianos utópicos de há 100 anos” was the result of the investigation of the research project ALIMENTOPIA, hosted by ILCML and CETAPS and funded by the FEDER Funds through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Programme – COMPETE 2020 and by Portuguese National Funds through FCT – the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, that offers a multidisciplinary approach to the discussion about future conditions of food production and consumption through holistic and prospective utopian thinking. The journal “O Vegetariano” was founded in Porto in 1909 by a group of naturists. Published uninterruptedly until 1935, the journal established itself as the meeting place for the Portuguese vegetarian community in the first decades of the twentieth century. It aimed to promote the diet and its underlying philosophy and way of life, aspiring to contribute to a utopian transformation of society. Featuring several documents and posters, this exhibition is a story we need to know better to understand why vegetarianism had so many supporters a hundred years ago and why we have no memory of these vegetarian ancestors today.