Natalia Ludmila was born in Mexico City and grew up in Toronto, Canada. However, she has spent the more significant part of her adult life abroad and finds this tacitly permeates in her work. Perhaps, as a guiding thread in her choice of subject matter or the need to explore specific Themes. A multi-disciplinary artist whose practice shifts between painting, drawing, video, and sound. It can be defined as studio-based research that points to the political—questioning forms of representation and the construction of false or biased narratives in the context of conflict. Invested and guided by ideas rather than mediums, for Ludmila, her practice is a tool to locate and highlight social imbalances. She sees in her work the means to start a conversation. Moreover, setting the ground for these social issues to come to light. She received a BFA from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and an MA from the University Of Canberra, Australia. She has exhibited work in several solo and group shows across the world. She was awarded the Second Prize the XVIII Ibiza Biennale. As well as several grants for international residencies spending time at Sàn Art/a.farm, Vietnam. Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada. Cittadellarte, Italy. INSTINC, Singapore. Additionally, she has exhibited and had work commissioned by the Diego Rivera Anahucalli Museum (Mexico City). In 2014, she took part in The Great Collaboration project in Singapore along with ten other artists. In the same year, she was listed in the 200 highest expressions of Mexican Art initiative and catalogue and was selected for the National Landscape Biennale (Mexico). Natalia Ludmila lives and works in Bangkok.
Natalia Ludmila’s work Into Territory will be shown at the Room to Bloom Exhibition from 21 – 25 April at the Cooperativa Árvore.