Marian Lens is a sociologist and a lesbian activist since the end of the 1970’s. She has published numerous articles and given lectures on lesbian, feminist and LGBTQI+ politics and literature. In 2001 she co-founded the RainbowHouse in Brussels, and since 2013 is guiding tours in the capital of Europe, to unveil the past and present local and international herstory and history of women and the rainbow communities. She founded and ran the bookshop Artemys in Brussels, ‘The Place to Be’ for lesbians in Belgium, and the first belgian association having explicit lesbian statuts (1985-2002). The international, trilingua bookshop (English, French and Dutch) quickly became a key destination for Europeans. Artemys was also one of the longest lasting feminist bookstore in the world and, for long, the only lesbian profiled bookshop in Europe.
Marian’s Lens exhibition What is Left will be shown at Livraria Aberta from April 21 – 25. She will also participate at a Meet and Greet on April 22 at 19h at Livraria Aberta.