Álvaro Vasconcelos is a researcher at the Centre of 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20 of the University of Coimbra and coordinator of Forum Demos. He was a visiting professor at the Institute of International Relations at the University of São Paulo (2014-2015). He was Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies/EUISS (2007-2012) and of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (IEEI) in Lisbon, from its foundation in 1980 until 2007.
He is a regular columnist for the press and coordinated and edited the report that the EUISS produced for the European Union Global Trends 2030 – Citizens in an Interconnected and Polycentric World and several reports on the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), including Scenarios for a Peace Mission for Syria (2014). Author of the book La Vague Démocratique Arabe. L’Europe et la question islamiste. Harmattan (Paris, 2014),and the book 25 de Abril no Futuro da Democracia (Creative Strategies, 2019) and was coordinator of the publicartion Portugal, Que futuros? (Serralves Foundation, 2018). His latest book (coordination) is entitled European Utopias: the Power of Imagination and the Imperatives of the Future (Fundação Serralves, 2021).
Álvaro Vasconcelos will talk at the Opening of the Transeuropa Festival on April 21 and at the Debate “Decolonizing Borders” on April 22. Álvaro de Vasconcelos will further participate at the Citizens Assembly in Valongo on April 22 and 23 and at the Homage to Maria Teresa Horta on the 25th April and contribute to the Porto Declaration for Transnational Peace.