Geanine Escobar was born in the city of Santa Maria, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, 1990. She is a visual activist, Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies and Museology and the Coordinator of the Study Group “Sociomuseology, Gender, Race and Class” (Somus-Intersectional) within the UNESCO Chair for Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity. She holds a Bachelor in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, a Master in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage (UFPEL) and a Master in Cultural Heritage, Arts and Tourism (P.PORTO). She has published articles, presented papers and participated in academic, artistic and community events in Brazil, Portugal, United Kingdom (Cambridge University), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States (Tulane University) and Bilbao, Basque Country, and Spain (Universidad de Deusto). As an activist-academic, Geanine Escobar seeks to analyze micro-political strategies through practices of collective resistance and re-appropriation of social spaces by subjects who experience discriminations such as sexism, racism, xenophobia and lesbophobia in the city of Lisbon, thus interweaving the artistic-political uses of cultural maps, digital archives and some intersectional counter-cartographic clues as possible theoretical and political tools to claim rights over their own territory, creating alternatives, languages and counter-colonial images produced by the daily practices of the black lesbian and immigrant community involved. She has exhibited her work and acted as curator of the Collective Exhibitions “Corpos que falar” and “Diversidade, género e sexualidades” at Espaço de ação comunitária – GAZUA, Porto, Portugal. She is a member and co-founder of the Zanele Muholi Collective of Black Lesbians and Bisexuals. Member of the LGBT+ Network of Memory and Social Museology. Member of the Project “Gender and Performance” (GECE) of the Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CLLC-UA) and member of GRUPO EducAR – Platform of Anti-racist Educators (Lisbon, Portugal).
As a member of GrupoEducar, Genine Escobar co-curated the exhibitions Education through stone and Seeing the city through their voices that will be shown from April 21 – April 25 at Cooperativa Árvore.